
Monday, March 25, 2013

Shoo-Fly Treble Clef PowerPoints

I'm hoping that later today I'll be able to post a Shoo-Fly teaching PowerPoint I've been working on for 2nd/3rd grade (freebie alert!).

While scrolling through the mounds of cute clip art at My Cute Graphics, I found some more fly-related stuff and now I'm all sorts of carried away.  Pretty much everyone on TPT and Pinterest uses her stuff and I LOVE IT.

My 3rd graders are still working on the treble clef pitches.  (4th and 5th still get reviewed, drilled, and play staff-related games, however).  I'm creating this activity for them.

I'm working on a treble clef tic-tac-toe activity, another matching activity, a whole-class game (fly swatters anyone?), and maybe a worksheet or two.  I'll be posting and bundling these as I make them.

Here's the first bundle: Shoo-Fly Treble Clef Practice PowerPoints

Since my 3rd graders are relatively new to learning absolute pitches, I created this review PowerPoint:
My students have had a lot of practice on the music staff from solfa work, but just to review.
Since my 3rd graders are beginners, I don't have actual notes (quarter notes, etc) on the staff in this activity.  They already know about notes and stem directions from our solfa-work, so I'm keeping this activity "cute" and using the flies.  When we do the whole-class activity I'm working on for this set, they'll have practice looking at and drawing real notes on the staff.
I have this poem posted on a sign in my room (I can't seem to find a picture of it and I'm not at school at the moment, ugh) underneath a picture of the music staff with the lines and spaces numbered.  Students refer to it all the time.

I've defined "treble clef" before and it is on our word wall.  "G clef" will be new.
Then we go up the staff (remind the students that the furthest letter in the alphabet is "G" - I relate this to the xylophones and other orff instruments they've already played)
And then down the staff.
Every good boy does fine is on a nice poster (Music Basics) in my room, so I tend to use it exclusively.  I know there are many others, including one a 5th grader shared with me, "Every good boy doesn't fart".  Lovely.
There is also one for the spaces.  Then, students have to practice identifying the note (the answer flies in when the PowerPoint is clicked).
Uh-oh, this requires thinking.  My 4th and 5th graders work on the treble clef from the A below middle C to the A above the staff and are doing quite well.  Even though we usually only use low A on some low la songs and we hardly ever go above the staff on anything, these extended pitches are essential for middle school band (sooo many go into flute, violin, or clarinet) and chorus.  My 3rd graders won't really work with these pitches yet, but it doesn't hurt to use some critical thinking skills.  Plus, I've posted Treble Clef signs around the school (in well-visited places, near doors and restrooms) that the students can refer to when waiting to line up, etc (extra practice - it helps).  You can download the sign here:

Here's the real fun though.  In subsequent lessons, students will practice "reading" words on the music staff.  Click on the correct apple (on the stem) and the flies fly off the screen - they've been shoo-ed.  If your student(s) chooses an incorrect apple, click on the stem of that apple and nothing will happen - they know they'll have to try again.

There are three levels: Level 1 - 2 to 3 letters, Level 2 - 4 to 5 letters, and Level 3 - 6 to 7 letters

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