
Saturday, January 19, 2013

E-G-A-B Recorder Dice Game

At Target yesterday, I found these for $1.  I can't wait to use them with B-A-G Recorder Dice Game.

In fact, I created the "next level" with pitches E-G-A-B.  You can download it here for free: E-G-A-B Recorder Dice Game


  1. Hi Emily,
    Any chance you can post this as a pdf file on TpT? When I open the Word file on my Mac, the clipart is all jumbled up. Love your stuff! Thanks!

  2. Hello!
    I left it up as a word doc on TPT so that people can create more patterns if they wish. However, I can email the PDF to you directly if you'd like. My email is

    Hope that helps!
