
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pavo, Pavo

I know it is a little early, but I found this gem in one of my teacher editions ("Making Music" Grade 1 by Silver Burdett).  I'm so glad to find a "turkey" song in Spanish.  This particular song is from Chile (English words courtesy of CP Language Institute).

The game instructions are:
Formation: Circle, with one child (the turkey) in the middle
Performance Notes: A Section: Phrase 1, 3, and 4 the students sing, Phrase 2 the turkey sings
B Section: students sing (not turkey)
Ms. 1-4: Circle moves to the left as the turkey does a turkey strut to the right
Ms. 5-8: circle moves to the right.
Ms. 9-12: Standing still, the children shake their fingers at the turkey.
Ms. 13-16: The turkey closes his/her eyes and stretches out his/her arms - the turkey spins around and points to a new turkey.