After weeks of preparations, when we are finally ready to learn repertoire, I usually spend 2 to 3 lessons on one song.
For the first lesson, we use the Power Point. This takes about 15 minutes and then we move on to other things.
For the second lesson, we review the Power Point, with me asking more questions, choosing soloists to perform, and choosing students to help lead the lesson (for example, they might listen to the class play and point out a spot that was tricky). I then project the corresponding worksheet and we practice the seven steps. This takes about 20 minutes.

Step Two: Chant the rhythms (your syllables may be different than mine, feel free to edit). We chant the rhythms, usually clapping as we do so (sometimes I add in other body percussion).
Step Three: Sing the rhythms on "doo". The students get their recorders ready, finger "B" and then sing the rhythms on "doo".
Step Four: Play the rhythms on "B".
Step Five: Finger the pitches while you sing the rhythm on "doo". We do this multiple times, and sometimes sing the pitch names as well.
Step Six: Play the pitches while using the correct rhythm. I also use a steady beat (on claves) while we do this. We do this multiple times.
Step Seven: Play the pitches while looking at the music staff. We do this multiple times.
For the third lesson, students practice in small groups after a recorder warm-up. For the first 10 minutes, I move from group to group, answer questions and helping where needed. Then, students may sign up on the board to "pass off" for me. When they "pass off", they only look at the lower part of the worksheet (I cover the rest) and they must play with a steady beat. I use the same rubric as in Barb Philipak's "Recorder Karate" (you can find this on pg. 5 of the book). I also use the belt method, although my songs aren't the same as hers. I didn't include what belt is what in the download because I don't want to infringe on her idea. The students usually get the whole class period to work on this. I like this lay-out on the worksheet because students who work quickly can move ahead usually without needing much of my assistance.
Let me know how this format works for you, or any opinions you have of it!